
Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy
Your privacy is very important to us. To protect your privacy, we have provided this statement that explains the practices we employ online regarding information and the options you can make regarding how your personal information is used and collected. In order to make the notice simple to locate, we have made it available on our home page, and at any point, personally identifiable information can be required.
If you have further concerns or need more details regarding our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.

The Information We Collect:

This policy applies to all data collected or made available on europecareers.in , the website of our company . Personal information or otherwise will be treated as private by our organization.

The Way We Use Information:

We will use the information you provide regarding yourself or your company solely to complete the task. We do not disclose information with third parties unless necessary to complete the work or provide consultation or when required by the Government agencies, Courts, etc.

We utilize return email addresses to respond to the emails we receive. The addresses we use are not used for any other purposes, nor are they shared with other organizations.

We invite you to sign up on our site if you’d wish to receive our weekly newsletter regarding our services. We will collect the information you supply to us, and it shall be posted on our website.
We use non-identifying and aggregated data to improve the design of our website and provide advertisers with information.

Our Commitment To Data Security

To guard against access by unauthorized persons to data, ensure data accuracy, and ensure that the proper processing of data, we have put in the proper physical and electronic methods to protect and secure the information we gather online.
To safeguard the privacy of your information and ensure security for you, we also use reasonable measures for confirming your identity before giving the access you want or making any corrections.

Log Files

we follows a routine procedure for making use of log files. The log files record visitors’ activities when they go to websites. All hosting providers do this, and it is a component of the analytics for hosting services. The data gathered from log files can include the internet protocol (IP) addresses and browser types, Internet Service Provider (ISP) dates and times, the timestamps, the pages you visit and exit from, and possibly how many clicks. They do not contain any data that can be personally identifiable. The data is to analyze patterns, manage the website and track the movement of users on the website, and gather demographic data.

Cookies and Web Beacons

As with all websites we also uses cookies. These cookies keep track of information such as the preferences of visitors and the web pages that the user has accessed or visited. This information is used to enhance users’ experience by tailoring our web page content according to visitors’ types of browsers and other details.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Third-party advertising servers or networks use technologies such as cookies JavaScript and Web Beacons, which are utilized in their advertisements and links in this website, which are sent directly to the users using their browsers. They automatically obtain your IP address once this happens. This technology is used to gauge their marketing campaigns’ effectiveness and tailor the advertisements you encounter on websites you browse.

Please note it is important to note that we has no control or access to these cookies, which third-party advertising companies utilize.You can disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings. You can find more details about managing cookies and the use of cookies with specific browsers.

Children’s Information

Another area of our concern is to protect children online. We advise parents and guardians to watch the activities of their children, take part in, or monitor and direct their children’s online activities.

we does not intend to collect any Personally Identifiable Information from children under 13 years old. If you suspect that your child has provided the kind of information we collect on our site, we strongly advise you to notify us immediately. We will make the best we can to delete the data from our databases.

Online Privacy Policy Only

This Privacy Policy is only applicable to our activities on the internet. It is applicable for all visitors to our site concerning the data they have shared or collected within the company. This policy does not apply to information collected offline or through channels other than the one on this website.


when you visit the website, agree to our privacy policy, and agree to the terms and conditions.