Medicine Study in Cuba, South America
Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), in English: Latin American School of Medicine (LASM), formerly Latin American School of Medical Sciences), is an international public medical school operated by the Cuban government established in 1999. Its mission is to “contribute to the training of Primary Health Care physician in diverse regions of the World”.
ELAM has been described as possibly being the largest medical school in the world by enrollment, with approximately 19,550 students from 110 countries reported as enrolled in 2017. All those enrolled are international students from 20 different countries and mainly come from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Africa and Asia.
The aforementioned scholarship includes full tuition, dormitory housing, three meals per day at the campus cafeteria, textbooks in Spanish for all courses, school uniform, basic toiletries, bedding, and a small monthly stipend of 100 Cuban pesos (App $4). Study medicine is completely free if you will get the scholarships from Cuba governments. Europe Career will help you to get the scholarships.
1.High school diploma
2.High school transcripts
3.Intermediate 12th transcripts and Certificate
4.Birth certificate
5.Certificate of Health including HIV test.
6.Age not exceeding 25 years at the time of enrollment.
7.Be physically and mentally fit to pursue medical studies.
8.no Criminal Records.
9.Five photos 3cmx3cm (International Relations) 10. six photos 2cmx2cm (Registrar’s Office)
There is 6 years of medicine studies including 12 Semester and one year of roatatory internships. Contact the Europe Career teams for further deatils and study medicine in Cuba.